Testing: Building application with confidence

3 mins |

November 08, 2020

In early 2017, I started my career as a Frontend Developer. As a beginer in writing React applications. I never understood why exactly am I writing these tests? Why am I writing more code to test the code I wrote before?

I used to write tests something like this

1it("Test click event", () => {
2 const mockHandleClick = jest.fn()
3 const button = shallow(
4 <Button onClick={mockHandleClick} variant="primary">
5 Click Me!
6 </Button>
7 )
8 button.find("button").simulate("click")
9 expect(mockHandleClick).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
10 expect(button.props().variant).toBe("primary")

So for quite some time, I didn’t understand what exactly am I benefitting from writing tests. And at the time I was working for a client, they said we need to write tests. Only metric they ever cared was code coverage. So we wrote tests to improve code coverage. That was pretty easy to achieve.

And then I came across this tweet. And maybe a few more blogs.

And realised that my tests weren’t resembling how my users were using the app, it was more about how a feature was implemented.

Then I spent a few weeks fiddling around React Testing Library. It didn’t just teach about testing react applications. It taught me the guiding principles of testing.

Few take aways from what I learned.

Test should resemble how it is used

Never test the implementation detail, when you are testing function or a component or anything. You should be able to test its functionality by the APIs it exposes for regular users. In the case of React components, it is props. So you should be able to test every use case by changing props. In-case of functions, by changing params you should be able to test its functionality.

This means it doesn’t matter whether it class or functional components. Whether it is using hooks or not, all you have is props.

There are a few other libraries than react testing library itself that would help. Couple of them I find most interesting are:

  1. User Event, it tries to mock all the events when an event happens. eg. When a user is typing key-down, key-up events are fired.

  2. Mock Service Worker, it helps in mocking out the request irrespective of what library I am using to make network requests. Doesn’t matter if it is axios, fetch or anything else for that matter.

More integration tests than unit tests

I’m not a fan of testing implementation of each component (Unit Testing), would prefer testing integration of components. Usually, these tests are focused on a page. I’m not saying unit tests are not required. I use them to test the functionality of a highly used component for every possible corner cases.

In most cases, integration tests are more than enough. Here you are restricted by interacting to the page by user events. Like find this component and type hello or find button Submit and click on it.

This way of testing is very powerful because it does not assume how you have implemented the component. For now, you might have a third party design library rendering the button. Later you would refactor to use your implementation of the button. No matter what refactoring you do, your tests stay the same.

While refactoring, don’t change test and implementation at the same time.

We love refactoring the code written by the previous developers 😉. You must never change your application code and the tests written for them in the same Pull Request.

If you have to change the tests (in a significant way) while refactoring, then you might be testing its implementation. Such tests are brittle and gives you less confidence.

Mock what needs to be mocked

Your tests have to be predictable. For a given test no matter what when it runs or how many times it runs. If it fails once it should always fail. If it passes once it should always pass.

You would need to mock network calls (APIs) to bring consistency across. There are lot of things that could go wrong, network might fail, server might be slow and so on. You should mock them so that your tests are consistent. You wouldn’t mock APIs in e2e tests though. You might want to mock rate limited APIs or payment APIs.

You might want to mock, timers too. This is not because they would be inconsistent. It is because you want your tests to run faster.

Other thing you might want to mock is date, this is something most devs forget to do 😅. How many of your tests broke on New year’s? 😉 You shouldn’t care about when and where your tests are run. So mock “now” in your test.


1// `getDisplayDate` would return `yesterday`, today, `tomorrow`
2// or Oct 27th depending when it called

Make sure tests fail

It is more important for your test to fail than it to pass. In TDD it would be part of the procees. Even if you are not following TDD make sure your tests fail. While writing these tests, make sure you test that they fail when they are intended to fail. Change your code/test to make sure they are failing.

Now I know why I am testing

Now my tests look more like

1render(<Page1 />)
2const submitButton = screen.getByRole("button", {
3 name: /submit/i,
6await screen.findByText(/submitted/i)

And now it makes sense why I am writing more code to test my code. I am making sure my application won’t break on a Friday night push.

Let’s add tests that gives us confidence in pushing code, rather than just increasing code coverage.

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Written by Balavishnu V J. Follow him on Twitter to know what he is working on. Also, his opinions, thoughts and solutions in Web Dev.