React Native - Write Once, Render Everywhere

3 mins |

November 03, 2020

React Native gives you incredible power to share code between multiple platforms. Even though the library natives supports only Android and iOS application. It is not that difficult to support the web.

How to share code

React Native makes it convenient to share code across platforms.

So by default in React Native can share the code between Android and iOS. But we might not want to share complete 100% of the code in all these platforms (for any reason).

And to share the code with Web, we can bring in any web project, let’s say CRA into a React Native CLI app. We should be good to go. We will talk more about a bit later.

Platform specific code

Okay, if you are planning to merge web, android, and iOS into one single code base. Let’s see if we have considered everything.

Android, iOS and Others(Web)

There are a couple of ways to have platform-specific code.

If it is minor inline change, we can do something like this.

1import { Platform, StyleSheet } from "react-native"
3if (Platform.OS === "ios") {
4 // do something
5} else {
6 // do something else
9// we can also do
10const data ={
11 ios: {
12 ownedBy: "Apple",
13 },
14 android: {
15 ownedBy: "Google",
16 },
17 default: {
18 ownedBy: "Me",
19 },
21// when running for iOS data = { ownedBy: "Apple" }
22// and for android data = { ownedBy: "Google" }
23// and for all other cases = { ownedBy: "Me" }
25// If want code same for android and ios, and different for Web.
27const data ={
28 native: {
29 ownedBy: "Corporate",
30 },
31 default: {
32 ownedBy: "Me",
33 },

I wouldn’t use it more often, might get hard to track. Just from a maintainability point of view. Try to use as minimum as possible.

I would prefer if a complete module(or a function) is switched instead, we can achieve that by

2└── Button
3 ├── index.js
4 ├── index.native.js
5 ├──
6 └── index.ios.js
9import Button from "./Button"
10// <Button />

So for Web, let’s say we are using Webpack as the bundler, and for React Native metro(default by React native).

So when the metro bundler is looking for a module (module resolution). Let’s assume that we are running an iOS device it is building for iOS it would start looking for *.ios.js (*.android.js) then index.native.js and finally index.js.

And webpack willresolve the module as we generally do index.js. It wouldn’t even care (or know) about other files (eg. *.android.js) as we are never importing them.

How much should we share?

So much of code can we share? And more importantly, how much should we share?

There a very interesting projects like react-native-web, with such libraries we can share almost 100% of the code. But should we really resuse all 100%?

Let’s see what kind of code we would have in a typical application

  • Platform (eg. Microphone, Location. these are platform-specific)
  • UI/UX (eg. Buttons, Cards, DatePickers)
  • Business logic

Platform code can’t be re-used. We can write wrapper(or find libraries, few of them are inbuilt in React Native), but we can’t reuse what is written for andriod in iOS. Look into Native Modules for more details on how to write React Native Modules.

UI/UX This is very interesting to me, on the surface, it looks like we can share almost 100% of the UI in all platforms. I advise against it.

The primary reason is, user’s of a specific platform is used to specific kind of UI/UX patterns. A Web user expectation of clicking a link in an app might be different from an iOS user. How navigation works might be different. Look at this example of how UI/UX for a date picker is different for iOS and Android. Or how the button looks and behaves differently.

Because of the different expectation of the user in each platform, and if you try to build a UI/UX that works for everyone. You might be making an application that isn’t great for anyone.

But how much you can share would depend completely based on how your application’s design language. Let you UI designers design based on the platform, not the tech stack.

Business logic is the best part of React and Hooks made it better. We should be able to share almost 100% of our Business logic. Custom hooks makes it so much easier for sharing logic.

You should be aware of not all web platform APIs are poly-filled for React Native. for eg. window.setTimeout is but window.localStorage isn’t. When you making reusable hooks, make sure you are considering them.

So that’s it?

All we can share is some logic? Not really you can share UI too, but I would recommend not to lean into that it too much. Even considering the difference in UI/UX you might still be able to share about 60-70% of the UI code/components.

Note: Almost all the component provided in React Native, follow this pattern of following the UI/UX of how the platform prefers and have the same API to handle them. There are few cases where a particular pattern is supported in only one of the platform.

What React Native does very well, is your ability to make that logic and UI interact.

1import { useCounter } from "./hooks"
2import Button from "./Button" // having different implemention like above
4function Counter() {
5 const [count, increment] = useCounter(0)
6 /*onClick will have to aliased to onPress in native implemention*/
7 return <Button onClick={increment}>{count}</Button>

Isn’t that awesome? We have the UI/UX that each user of each platform prefer and we can share as much code as possible.

Let’s build an application that is as great as possible for every platform.

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Written by Balavishnu V J. Follow him on Twitter to know what he is working on. Also, his opinions, thoughts and solutions in Web Dev.